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Articles on Yacht Design, Naval Architecture, Marine Engineering, and Related Subjects

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Best Offshore Cruisers  0
Fuzzy logic sort from data base for "best" cruisers, as defined by the work of noted designers. (Added: 18-Mar-2002 Hits: 3051) | Rate | Visit
Boojum's Twin Keels  0
A brief description of the various considerations associated with the use of Twin Keels to solve a specific set of design requirements on a small trawler yacht, including roll reduction. Michael Kasten. (Added: 10-Jan-2002 Hits: 3119) | Rate | Visit
Canoe Design  0
Effects of rocker, and other factors, on canoe response. Three designs are analyzed. (Added: 18-Mar-2002 Hits: 1662) | Rate | Visit
Choice of Construction Material  9.00
If you are unsure of the best choice of material for you, this will help you to make the decision. Dudley Dix. (Added: 10-Jan-2002 Hits: 5242) | Rate | Visit
Computer Cutting For Boat Building  0
Computer modeling is by far the most efficient means of defining hull form, offering a designer access to powerful analysis tools for assessing stability and performance, as well as a highly accurate means of creating the structural parts and pieces of a boat via computer controlled cutting. For more information about the benefits and cost savings offered by up-to-date computer aided boat design and computer aided boat building check out this article. Michael Kasten. (Added: 10-Jan-2002 Hits: 3712) | Rate | Visit
Computer Prototyping and Development  0
When considering a new vessel, what's the best way to get a preview of the shape? The computer is an enormously useful tool for creating a vessel prototype in order to visualize the shape in a "virtual" 3D environment. What about lofting and fairing? One can then use the computer generated model as a fairing and lofting tool. Michael Kasten. (Added: 10-Jan-2002 Hits: 3154) | Rate | Visit
Controllable Pitch Propellers  0
Although this article is brief and to the point, it considers several of the issues that arise when asking the question, "What, if any, are the advantages of using a CP propeller on a 'trawler-yacht' or sailing vessels?" Michael Kasten. (Added: 10-Jan-2002 Hits: 2858) | Rate | Visit
Cool New Gimmicks... - A Cautionary Tale  0
Here are a few thoughts on what should and what should not be considered desirable features of any new motor vessel. Most particularly, this article addresses the new power vessel vogue: Passagemakers.... and the various gimmicks being offered on them. Michael Kasten. (Added: 10-Jan-2002 Hits: 2838) | Rate | Visit
Cruising Boats Under 100k  0
A list of boats costing less than 100k and making my "Best Offshore Cruisers" list. (Added: 18-Mar-2002 Hits: 2167) | Rate | Visit
Design Basics  0
Definitions of various evaluation factors and ratios used by yacht designers. (Added: 18-Mar-2002 Hits: 3697) | Rate | Visit
Design of Seagoing Rowing Boats  0
Seagoing rowing boats of high performance are difficult to design because of the multiplicity of conflicting factors to do with ergonomics and seakeeping, combined with the low power available to drive the boat. (Added: 6-May-2002 Hits: 1292) | Rate | Visit
Dinghies for Self Rescue  0
An Abandon Ship procedure is outlined, using a dinghy along with an inflatable life raft. (Added: 18-Mar-2002 Hits: 1134) | Rate | Visit
Dynamic Stability  0
Discussion of how the moment of inertia effects boat response to large waves. (Added: 18-Mar-2002 Hits: 1963) | Rate | Visit
Engineering the Sailboat—Safety in Numbers  0
How do you design a rig strong enough to stay up in the worst weather, but not so oversized that it creates excess windage and diminishes stability? How is a hull engineered to hold together in adverse conditions but not built so heavily that it sails like a bathtub? Where is the line between safety and performance? Eric W. Sponberg. (Added: 10-Jan-2002 Hits: 3681) | Rate | Visit
Essential Design Data  0
Being concerned about your vessel's survivability in ultimate conditions makes ultimate sense! In view of the cost of the vessel, and the cost of the entire expedition that any ocean voyaging represents, the cost of thorough design analysis does not amount to a significant percentage of the cost of ownership. It does however amount to a high percentage of one's peace of mind on the briny deep. Michael Kasten. (Added: 10-Jan-2002 Hits: 5997) | Rate | Visit

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