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Vessel Specification  0
The Vessel Specification is the central document from which any boat gets built. A complete Vessel Specification is available with most of the Study Plans listed on my Power Boats Gallery and Sail Boats Gallery pages. The Vessel Specification is therefore an integral part of a complete Study Plan. Michael Kasten. (Added: 10-Jan-2002 Hits: 3007) | Rate | Visit
Water Ballast  0
Static Stability comparisons: Lead Vs Water, similar designs. (Added: 18-Mar-2002 Hits: 1368) | Rate | Visit
Wetted surface area  0
Notes on wetted surface area (WSA). "I wrote these notes because I have seen on several sites various questions about WSA and the effect on speed, which has more WSA – a catamaran or a monohull, plus several other queries and they are all answered here." (Added: 4-Dec-2002 Hits: 2195) | Rate | Visit
Wetted surface area II: Cat hulls or Monos  0
"This posting concerns the wetted surface of a catamaran versus a monohull. None the aspects of stability, suitability, seaworthiness etc are addressed only the WSA and the effect on speed." (Added: 4-Dec-2002 Hits: 1535) | Rate | Visit
What's the Ideal Sailing Rig?  0
The type of rig is often a pre-ordained choice once one has determined vessel size, the preferred layout, and the maximum size of sail one can handle. Is there a reason to prefer one rig type over another? How does one choose an appropriate aspect ratio? Michael Kasten. (Added: 10-Jan-2002 Hits: 4088) | Rate | Visit
Wingmast Aerodynamics  10.00
The basic aerodynamic features of two- dimensional sections that consist of a symmetrical airfoil with a thin sail extending from the trailing edge. A simple method for designing wingmast shapes is presented, which does not require a computer to produce masts with good aerodynamic performance. The effects of various mast sizes are explored, and large masts are shown to have a greater operating range of angle of attack. Maximum lift for both small and large masts is similar. (Added: 25-Mar-2002 Hits: 1805) | Rate | Visit

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